Monday, 21 February 2011

New Red wing is set to be a classic

American boot Gods Red Wing have recently released the latest edition of their Classic Work Boot. This is a boot with a great history on the farms and in the cities of America's heartland. Whilst the boots still feature the same great materials and hand-made craftsmanship that they always have, there are signs that they are turning their focus to fashion.

The new boot is pretty damn cool, it has to be said. They are the kind of beautiful reddish-brown colour that seems to go with just about anything. However, my favourite thing about them, and possibly the most significant change from their previous boots, is the sole. It is noticeably paler than past soles on brown-coloured boots, almost white in fact, but I feel it works surprisingly well. It's hard to imagine the workers of the American dust bowl wearing this kind of thing, but if Red Wing say they did, who are we to argue? Personally, I never saw any of the characters in Of Mice and Men as particularly fashionable, but these boots certainly are.

 Already being sold by online retailer, the new boot is set to appear in Urban Outfitters stores everywhere, so you'll be able to try them on without buying them (if you're an fellow impoverished fashion fan). ASOS seem to be selling them for £200 but the price quoted in the recent Urban Outfitters winter magazine was £190, so that seems like the better deal to me. And of course you'll have the great feeling of urbanity that always comes with purchases from UO!

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