Friday, 4 March 2011

Danish music is getting better...

Currently, the leading lights in Denmark's rapidly improving tech-house scene are quirky Danish duo Kenton Slash Demon (known to their friends as Jonas Kenton and Silas Moldenhawer). Since their early tracks 'Khattabi' and 'Singla', they have demonstrated their undoubted ability to create a fantastically diverse array of sounds. In a similar fashion to fellow Copenhagen artist Jesper Ryom, some of their tracks sound positively ethnic. Or should I say, 'otherworldly'? 

Fittingly universe-themed tracks 'Sun' and newest release 'Matter' are lengthy, yes, but their masterpiece status cannot be questioned. Right, now I'm gonna try and explain what they sound like, in basic English, for those of you who can't be bothered to click on the link. Imagine the sound that would be created when a few alien spaceships landed in Switzerland and started galloping around after the local bell-wearing cow population. That's Kenton Slash Demon. 

'Daemon' is their next single, so look forward to that one!

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